André Luiz Da Costa Moreira¹*, Rosângela
Barbosa Cavalcanti3
1.Universidade de Brasília, Programa de
2.Núcleo de Pesquisa Curadoria do Herbário SP, Instituto de Botânica, Caixa Postal 68041, São Paulo, SP, Brasil.
3.Embrapa Recursos Genéticos e Biotecnologia, Parque Estação Biológica, Final W5 Norte, C. Postal 02372,
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BIANCHINI & T. BARBOSA CAVALCANTI. 2020. Lectotypification and a new synonym of Bonamia sericea (Convolvulaceae): Endemic species from Argentina. Bol. Soc. Argent. Bot. 55:
Background and aims: Bonamia Thoaurs (Convolvulaceae) comprises about 70 species with a tropical and subtropical distribution. Morphological and molecular studies in Bonamia were carried out to clarify relationships in and out of the genus and throughout this work it was detected the need for
M&M: Morphological analysis of Bonamia sericea, were made based on a study of specimens of herbaria, including the
Results: A new synonym for B. sericea is proposed. The lectotype of B. sericea is here designated and a complete description and illustrations are presented.
Endemic species, lectotypification, synonym, taxonomy.
Introducción y objetivos: El género Bonamia Thoaurs (Convolvulaceae) comprende alrededor de 70 especies con distribución tropical y subtropical. Durante análisis morfológicos y moleculares de Bonamia se detectó la necesidad de delimitar algunos taxones. Este artículo contribuye a la circunscripción y la lectotipificación de Bonamia sericea (Griseb.) Hallier f., una especie endémica del norte de Argentina.
M&M: Análisis morfológico de Bonamia sericea fue realizada mediante préstamo de especimes, incluidos los tipos, y imágenes digitales disponibles en línea, y se compararon con las descripciones originales del taxón.
Resultados: Se propone un nuevo sinónimo para B. sericea y se designa su lectotipo. Se realiza una descripción completa de su distribución geográfica.
Especies endémicas, lectotipificación, sinónimos, taxonomía.
Recibido: 27 Junio 2019
Aceptado: 17 Diciembre 2019
Publicado: 25 Marzo 2020
Editor: Franco E. Chiarini
ISSN versión impresa
Bonamia Thouars (Convolvulaceae) comprises 69 species (WCSP, 2017; Moreira et al., 2019), with a wide distribution over tropics and subtropics, including representatives in the Americas, Africa, Madagascar, South and Southeast Asia and Australia (Staples, 2012; Wood, 2013).
The taxonomy of the genus Bonamia went through extensive modifications in its delimitation: Choisy (1845) treated Bonamia, Breweria R.Br., Stylisma Raf., Seddera Hochst., and Prevostea Choisy as distinct genera. Hallier (1893) highlight the weakness of the differences and combined Breweria in Bonamia. In the most extensive review of the genus, Myint & Ward (1968) established the sections Breweria (R.Br.) Myint, and Trichantha Myint, encompassing the 45 species previously recognized and distributed through the old and the new world.
Bol. Soc. Argent. Bot. 55 (1) 2020
Traditionally the pollen morphology data, details of gynoecium and the fruits are used by taxonomists to delimit genera in Convolvulaceae, in this way Bonamia can be distinguished from the other genera for presenting generally pollen
The present study analyzes the infraspecific delimitation and the lectotypification of Bonamia sericea (Griseb.) Hallier f. providing a description, data about geographic distribution and photos of the lectotype proposed.
The results were obtained from the morphological analysis using herbarium specimens, including type materials, on loan from the herbaria GH, L, MO, NY, SP, UB, UEC (acronyms follow Index Herbariorum: http://sweetgum.nybg.org/ih/). Digital images available in JSTOR – Global Plants (https://plants.jstor.org/). The original descriptions of both varities were compared with the examined material.
Bonamia sericea (Griseb.) Hallier f., Bull. Herb. Boissier 5: 808. 1897.
≡Breweria sericea Griseb., Plantae Lorentzianae
19:229 (reprinted 181). 1874. Convolvulus breweraceus O.Kuntze, Rev. Gen. 3: 212. 1898.
A new name for Breweria sericea Griseb., non Convolvulus sericeus Burmann f. (1768). - Type: Argentina. Cordoba: in den Barrancas bei Cordoba, haufig 1870, Lorentz 82. (Lectotype here designated
GOET, image!; isolectotypes: B†; CORD image!,
SI). (Fig.
=Bonamia sericea var. latifolia O’Donell, Lilloa
29:314. 1959. Type. Argentina. Santiago del Estero: El Palomar a Pampa Poza, 15 Nov. 1931, Schreiter 6706 (holotype LIL!; isotypes: GH image!, NY!).
Syn. nov. (Fig. 3)
Caespitose shrubs; stems erect or procumbent, woody basally, herbaceous toward the tips, arising
from a woody root,
mmlong. Flowers white, sepals subequal,
Geographic distribution. Endemic to Argentina, with records for Córdoba, La Rioja, San Luis, Santiago del Estero, and Tucumán.
Additional comments. The individuals of Bonamia sericea are shrubs that grow in dry areas in northern Argentina, in elevations of
Morphological analysis of several specimens provided the observation that the variety B. sericea var. latifolia (O’Donell 1959: 314, fig. 50) based on the variations found in the indumentum density and leaf width
Myint & Ward (1968) in the revision of the genus, recognized the varieties and used the following characteristics in the key to separate the varieties: Bonamia sericea var. sericea has densely sericeous small leaves, with
The characteristics used by the authors, O’Donell (1950) and Myint & Ward (1968), as leaf size and vestiture are broadly variable and overlap in the specimens analyzed. It is well known that the species in the family have very plastic morphological
A. L. C. Moreira et al. - Bonamia sericea (Convolvulaceae)
Fig. 1. Lectotype of the specimen of Breweria sericea Griseb. [Lorentz 82] deposited in the herbarium GOET.
Bol. Soc. Argent. Bot. 55 (1) 2020
Fig. 2. Syntype of the specimen Breweria sericea [Lorentz 605] deposited in the herbarium B(†).
A. L. C. Moreira et al. - Bonamia sericea (Convolvulaceae)
Fig. 3. Holotype of the specimen Bonamia sericea var. latifolia O’Donell [Schreiter 6706] deposited in the herbarium LIL.
Bol. Soc. Argent. Bot. 55 (1) 2020
characteristics (Buril, 2013), and so it may be related to environment influence.
When Grisebach (1874) published Breweria sericea, he did not refered material, but he was naming the material collected by P.G. Lorentz. The exsiccate of Bonamia sericea “Lorentz 82” in GOET herbarium is here considered as the lectotype, because there is a hand drawing of opened flower, showing the gynoecium, and this is the institution where Grisebach worked. Hunziker (1960: 364) indicated the gathering Lorentz 82 as isotype in a list of the material from Herbarium CORD described by Grisebach, so he believed that this collection indeed was used to the description.
Material Examined. ARGENTINA. Córdoba:
18.V.1945, P. Garcia 941 (GH); 18.VI.1923, R. Schreiter 3956 (GH); 21. X.1923 S. Venturi 2074
(GH); 7.VI.1944, R. Diaz 110272 (GH); 17.III.1944,
C.A. O Donell 329 (GH, USA); 20.I.1940, De La Veja
90(MO); 8.XII. 1946, A.T. Hunziker 7070 (MO); 22.XII.2009 J.J. Cantero & C.O. Nuñez 6134 (UEC);
20.I.1947, C.A. O´Donell 4453 (RB); 14.XI.1947
C.A. O´Donell 5413 (RB), 8.XII.1946 A.T. Hunziker 7070 (CORD, MO); 20.I.1947 O´Donell, C.A. 4545
(RB); 14.XI.1947, C.A. O´Donell 5413 (RB); XI.1895
B.W. Rodenbender 8823 (R). Santiago del Estero:
15.XI.1931 R. Schreiter 4046 (NY). Cruz Alta,
21.X.1923, S. Venturi s.n. (SI SI069079). Tucumán: 14.XI.1947 C.A. O´Donell 5413 (RB, UB).
ALCM and RSB were responsible for the organization of the manuscript and for the morphological analysis and TBC collaborated in writing the manuscript.
We are grateful to the herbaria curators for making the type collections images available online. The authors thank the support of Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior
BROWN, N.E. 1914. Diagnoses africanae LIX. Bull. Misc. Inform. 1914:
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BURIL, M.T. 2013. Sistemática e Filogenia de Jacquemontia (Choisy), Convolvulaceae. Tese de Doutorado, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Recife. Brasil.
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GRISEBACH, A. 1874. Plantae Lorentzianae. Abhandlungen der Konigliche Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften, Gottingen 19: 164 166.
HUNZIKER, A.T. 1960. Catalogo de los tipos “Gresebachianos” conservados em Cordoba. Bol. Acad. Nac. Ci. 2:
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MOREIRA A. L. C., G. M. ANTAR, R. SIMÃO- BIANCHINI & T. B. CAVALCANTI. 2017. Contribution to the knowledge of Bonamia (Convolvulaceae) in Brazil: A new species and a new occurrence. Phytotaxa 306:
MYINT, T. & D. B. WARD 1968. A Taxonomic revision of the genus Bonamia (Convolvulaceae). Phytologia
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A. L. C. Moreira et al. - Bonamia sericea (Convolvulaceae)
Facilitated by the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew |
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[online]. Disponible en: http://apps.kew.org/wcsp. |
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[Acceso: 25.01.2019]. |