Bol. Soc. Argent. Bot. 58 (2) 2023
and identified using the taxonomic key from
Borissova (1955) and compared with nearby Veronica
The role of botanic gardens in the world is diverse, species described for Chile and Argentina (Romero &
including support for scientific research, involvement Klempau, 1981; Rodríguez et al., 2018; Zuloaga et
in education, public relations, improvement of human al., 2018). The collected material was herborized and
welfare, and plant conservation (Maunder et al., deposited in the herbarium of the National Botanical
2001). However, botanic gardens have also been Garden of Chile (JBN). Additionally, photographs
considered an avenue for the introduction of invasive of live plants are included, and the collection site
allochthonous plants which is a major threat to global was georeferenced. The species occurrence map
biodiversity (Dogra et al., 2010; Hulme, 2015). Seed was elaborated using the QGIS 3.16 program. A
exchange through Index Seminum constitutes one morphological key was constructed based on the
of the main methods to increase seed and live plant literature mentioned above following the taxonomic
collections between botanic gardens. However, this treatment from Rodríguez et al. (2018).
method could also allow the introduction of invasive
plant species that have been initially found in the
botanic garden and subsequently naturalized in wider reSultS and diScuSSion
territories (Reichard & White, 2001).
The genus Veronica L. (Plantaginaceae) comprises Taxonomic treatment
about 450 species distributed worldwide, especially Veronica cymbalaria Bodard. Mém. Véronique
in the Northern Hemisphere, with centers of diversity Cymb.: 3. 1798. TYPE: “Veronica Chia, Cymbalariae
in western Asia and New Zealand in Southern folio, verna, flore albo, umbilico virescente” in
Hemisphere (Albach & Meudt, 2010). Veronica Buxbaum, Pl. Min. Cogn. Cent. 1: 25, t. 39, f. 2. 1728
species have a wide variety of life forms, ranging (Lectotype, designated by Sánchez Agudo et al.,
from herbaceous annuals or perennials to shrubs or Taxon 61: 868. 2012); SPAIN. Málaga, Antequera,
small trees (Albach & Meudt, 2010). Some species El Torcal, 30SUF6291, 1200 m, bajo matas de
are naturalized in Argentina, southern Brazil, Chile, Crataegus, 6-IV-1999, E. Rico ER6809 (Epitype,
Paraguay and Uruguay (Zuloaga et al., 2018), SALA 109296! designated by Sánchez Agudo et al.,
and invasive in different habitats such as natural Taxon 61: 868. 2012; isoepitype, MA 855279!).
environments, roadsides, wetlands and cultivated
fields (Wu et al., 2010; Takakura, 2013; Polechońska
et al., 2020).
Annual herbs, stems 10-30(60) cm tall, decumbent,
covered with long papillae. Leaves long-petiolate,
In Chile, the genus is represented by nine laminas semiorbicular, subcordate or reniform,
naturalized species, six perennial and three annual with (5)7-8(9) lobes shallow obtuse, middle lobe
species, all of which are considered weeds (Romero slightly larger than others, base truncate or cuneate.
Klempau, 1981; Matthei, 1995; Rodríguez et al., Flowers solitary in the axil of regular or reduced
2018). The aim of this article is to report for the first leaves, pedicel 12-40 mm long, exceeding leaves,
time the presence of Veronica cymbalaria Bodard patent or recurved. Calyces 2.5-6 mm long, with
for the flora of Chile, an allochthonous annual herb sepals ovate or obovate, apex obtuse, margin ciliate.
growing feral in the biological collections of the Corollas rotate, tube scarcely exceeding calyx, white,
National Botanical Garden, Viña del Mar, Chile. limb 4-lobed, 3 lobes orbicular-ovate and 1 lobe
Besides, a taxonomic key of the Veronica species ovate. 2-stamens 1-2 mm long, exserted, filament
occurring in Chile is included.
curved, anthers ovoid. Styles 1-2 mm long, distinctly
exserted, stigma capitate. Capsules subglobose, ovoid
to ellipsoid, broader than long, 4-lobed, apex slightly
emarginated, pilose. Seeds 1-2 per locule, globose,
materialS and methodS
2.5-3 mm wide, weakly rugose, cyathiform.
To determine the identity of this species, literature
on Veronica species was reviewed: Borissova, 1955;
Phenology: Veronica cymbalaria (Fig. 1) begins to
Martínez-Ortega & Rico, 2000; Rojas-Andrés & vegetate in June, flowers in mid-September, and fruits
Martínez-Ortega, 2016. Fresh material was collected at the end of October.