Bol. Soc. Argent. Bot. 58 (4) 2023
maTerial and meThodS
Timmiella (De Not.) Limpr. is an haplolepidous
Specimens were studied morphologically following
genus of mosses placed in the monogeneric subfamily classical techniques for bryophytes, and mounted
Timmielloideae in family Pottiaceae following Zander in Hoyer’s solution (Anderson, 1954). Microscopic
(1993). Based on molecular analysis performed by characters were analyzed by using LM Arcano XSZ-
Inoue & Tsubota (2014), Timmiella and Luisierella 100BNT, and SEM JEOL 5800 LV operating at 20
Thér. & P. de la Varde were segregated to a separate KV. Characters illustrated using SEM were obtained
family Timmiellaceae. The former genus includes ca. from samples mounted directly on double-sided
13 species easily recognized by the presence of a well- tape and coated with gold-palladium. Spores were
developed central strand in the stem, margin of leaf obtained from mature capsules by removing with
plane and dentate, laminal cells bistratose at midleaf, alcohol, mounted directly on aluminum stubs, and
adaxially bulging and abaxially flat, and peristomes subsequently coated with gold-palladium. Spores
sinistrorse or straight, when present (Zander, 1993; were described following the concepts of McClymont
Inoue & Tsubota, 2014). It is usually found growing (1955) and Punt et al. (2007).
on soil or rocks, in arid lands and mountainous areas
of North and South America, Europe, Asia and Africa
Zander, 1993).
In Argentina, three species of the genus have been
described and recorded to date: Timmiella acaulon Taxonomic treatment
Müll. Hal.) R.H. Zander, T. argentinica Broth. and
T. umbrosa (Müll. Hal.) Broth. (Matteri, 2003). Timmiella acaulon (Müll. Hal.) R. H. Zander, Bull.
Originally, current T. acaulon was described by Müller Buffalo Soc. Nat. Sci. 32: 70. 1993. Fig. 1-4.
(1879) as Trichostomum acaulon Müll. Hal. based on
collections from province of Córdoba (in the center
Tortella acaulon (Müll. Hal.) Broth., Nat.
of the country) by German-Argentine botanist Paul Pflanzenfam. 1(3): 397. 1902. Trichostomum
Lorentz.Later,itwastransferredtoTortella(Müll.Hal.) acaulon Müll. Hal., Linnaea 42: 320. 1879. TYPE:
Limpr. by Brotherus (1902), and finally to Timmiella ARGENTINA. Córdoba, Colón, “Ascochinga, cum
by Zander (1993). In making this last combination, Barbula umbrosa”, IX-1871 (syntype, not seen);
Zander (1993) also proposed T. argentinica Broth., a “cum Barbula sedifolia et B. amphidiifolia aliis loci
species described by Finnish botanist Viktor Brotherus circa Ascochinga”, IV-[1871, P. G. Lorentz s.n.]
in 1918 based on samples collected in province of (syntypes, B not seen; NY 01448932!).
Jujuy (northwestern Argentina), as a new synonym
Timmiella argentinica Broth., Ark. Bot. 15(6): 3.
of T. acaulon. Timmiella umbrosa has also been 1918. TYPE. ARGENTINA. Jujuy, Santa Bárbara,
described by Müller based on samples collected in “Quinta prope Laguna de la Brea, loco salso ad
Córdoba, and it is distinguished from T. acaulon, “salina”, 1901-1902, R. E. Fries 23” (Type, H!).
mostly by its monoicous sexual condition. Despite the
fact that T. acaulon has been well described by Müller,
it has been sparsely recorded, and consequently poorly brown below. Stem simple to branching irregularly,
illustrated so far. to 0.5 cm long, transverse section rounded,
Plants forming cushions, yellow-green above,
As part of a major project that aims to study central strand very strong, sclerodermis in 1 layer,
the diversity of bryophytes in the Chaco province hyalodermis present, absent in older section of stem.
(northeastern Argentina), a revision of herbarium Leaves incurved and tubulose when dry, spreading
samples has been performed. As a result of the when moist, ligulate, 0.2-3.2 × 0.4-0.5 mm; upper
discovery of a complete specimen, T. acaulon is lamina broadly channeled across leaf, margins
rediscovery more than 100 years after its original incurved, plane at base, entire to weakly serrate at
description, and its distribution range is extended to apex, lamina bistratose except along margins; apex
northeastern Argentina. For the first time, a detailed acute; base broadened, sheathing; costa percurrent
morphological description with illustrations in SEM tapering to apex, superficial cells isodiametric
and LM of the taxon is here presented.
and ventrally bulging, costal transverse section