Bol. Soc. Argent. Bot. 59 (2) 2024
to that place (Acar et al., 2007). Ornamental plants
non-native to a specific place do not probably
Since the beginning, humans had a close adapt well to their new environments, generating
relationship with plants. In a broad sense, their life displeasure in addition to a useless economic
had always depended primarily on them. The use expense, or they can adapt so and spread to such
of vegetables as a resource base has not deprived an extent that they become invasive (Vitousek
human beings of noticing the beauty of their shapes, et al., 1997; Mack et al., 2000; Brooks et al.,
colours, movements, and smells; for this reason, 2004). Usually, the plants chosen to cultivate in
plants have also had ornamental importance from public spaces require little care, survive inclement
the same moment humans noticed their presence. weather, are often non-native to that habitat, and
Throughout history, aesthetic valorization and the are selected by their aesthetic characteristics.
necessity to keep specific memories of homelands Despite this, in recent years, the production and
vivid have caused many plant species to be moved commercialization of endemic and native plants for
to places far away from their natural habitats. In this gardening has increased in different countries, like
way, many plant species have once moved to new Brazil, China and EEUU (Liu et al., 2003; Heiden
regions, colonized new environments and caused et al., 2006; Tangren et al., 2022).
ecological impacts on the invaded ecosystems
Richardson et al., 2000; Gil Otaiza et al., 2006).
In Argentina, towards the end of the ‘90s, the
use of native plants as ornamentals was not widely
This accidental or forced colonization, coupled exploited; only a few species were commercialized
with the reduction of natural spaces due to the and cultivated (Mascó et al., 1998). However,
advance of urbanization, are indisputable factors in recent years, there has been an increase in
promoting biological invasion processes, the the establishment of native plant nurseries and
second most important cause of loss of biodiversity the commercialization of this type of species in
nowadays (Vitousek et al., 1997). Some countries, traditional stores. In some Argentinean cities,
such as Australia, where cities have specialized initiatives to use native species in the ornamentation
government commissions in urban tree planning, of green spaces are being registered (Rovere, 2022).
have achieved the incorporation of native plants Most cultivated species are exotic, particularly in
into the ornamentation of public spaces (Kendal et Bahía Blanca city (Buenos Aires, Argentina). It is a
al., 2012; Shaw et al., 2017). In others, groups of city with a visually “unattractive” native vegetation
specialists from research centres, conservationist (grass steppe, xerophilous, psammophilous or
groups, or landscape architects try to spread the halophilous shrub) (Arana et al., 2021) and with
importance of eradicating invasive species, giving a strong influence of European colonizers who
priority to the cultivation of native ones (Mack et brought their customs and beliefs contributing to
al., 2000; Kumschick et al., 2015; Brzuszek et al., the introduction, rooting and cultivation of foreign
017; Bünzli, 2017).
Green spaces and other areas assigned for Zalba, 2008).
public recreation in cities are now considered well- Cultivating species native to each region as
plant species for ornamental purposes (Negrin &
designed and preserved resources that collaborate ornamental can improve the role of ornamental
extensively with improving life quality (Dearborn plants in biodiversity and attract local wildlife
Kark, 2010). This aspect is increasing value, (insects, butterflies, birds, etc.) by providing them
considering the world population increment, which with shelter and food (Smith et al., 2006). That is
generates a significant change in the urban structure, why, within the current framework of the planet’s
making green spaces progressively smaller due to valorization, the cultivation of native plants (in
the need to use the land for housing (Acar et al., each region) is a powerful tool to promote the
007; Kendal et al., 2012).
conservation of biodiversity (Mack et al., 2000;
Ornamental plants in squares, public spaces, Negrin & Zalba, 2008). Encouraging the use
streets, and gardens, among others, provide of native plant species in recreational spaces of
aesthetic value, shade, protection, aromatization, educational institutions is a fundamental point
etc. Generally, the choice of an ornamental plant is for the knowledge of native species and the
based on trendy species that usually are not native revaluation of the country’s vegetation (Biondi