Bol. Soc. Argent. Bot. 59 (3) 2024
Selected specimens: BRAZIL. Espírito Santo: UPCB, VT); Ponta Grossa, Parque Estadual de
Venda Nova do Imigrante, Pedra do Rego, na trilha, Vila Velha, 25° 14’ S, 50° 0’ W, 1000 m elevation,
0° 18’ 21” S, 41° 10’ 25” W, 1230 m elevation, 10-XI-2003, Schwartsburd 1 (SP, UPCB); Serra
-IV-2019, Cordeiro & Brotto 6246 (MBM). Minas do Mar, Ypiranga, “in silva primaeva”, 830 m
Gerais: Caldas, 1873, Mosén 3088 (K, P, R, S, elevation, 16-I-1914, Dusén 14423a (BM, K, US).
UPS); Poços de Caldas, Morro do Ferro, 26-IV- Santa Catarina: Canoinhas, Rio da Areia, 21-IV-
968, Ana-Lima 68-102 (IPA). Rio de Janeiro: 1962, Reitz & Klein 12713 (HB, MBM); Fragoso,
ltatiaia, Parque Nacional do Itatiaia, Hotel Simon s.d., Hatschbach 2492 (MBM, RB); Marata,
abandonado, trilha dos Três Picos, 22° 26’ 8.8” S, Porto União, 19-I-1952, Reitz 4705 (HB, PACA);
4° 36’43.7” W, 1116 m elevation, 9-V-2015, Prado Hammonia, 11-X-1922, Luederwaldt s.n. (SP
Hirai 2403 (SP); Macaé, Glicério, trilha Água 21650); Porto União, Pinheiral near Porto União on
Fria, ca. 800 m elevation, 7-VI-2004, Mynssen & road to Santa Rosa, 750–800 m elevation, 18-XII-
Bovini 637 (RB, SP); Nova Friburgo, subida para 1956, Smith & Reitz 8749 (HB, K, R, US); Xanxerê,
o Pico da Caledônea, 22° 40’ S, 42° 35’ W, 1706 “Pinheiral and ruderal”, Faxinal dos Guedes, 700-
m elevation, 15-VI-2000, Prado et al. 1093 (NY, 900 m elevation, 3-I-1957, Smith & Reitz 9790 (R).
SP); Rio Funil, perto do Estado de São Paulo, 8-XI- Rio Grande do Sul: Santa Cruz, Herval do Paredão,
956, Handro 668 (SP, SPF); Teresópolis, Toca s.d., Juergens & Stier 190 (PACA).
dos Caçadores, 1300 m, s.d., Brade 9318 (BM,
R). São Paulo: Campos do Jordão, III-1946, Leite
Prado & Windisch (2000) and Prado & Hirai
56 (FCAB); Iporanga/Apiaí, Parque Estadual (2024) treated the Brazilian specimens of this
Turístico do Alto Ribeira (PETAR), 24° 32’ 22” S, species as Pteris lechleri Mett, but the available
8° 41’ 36.” W, 7-VII-2012, Mazziero & Albiero name to apply to this species from Brazil is P.
115 (SP, UPCB); Jundiaí, Serra do Japi, trilha indo sericea. Pteris lechleri occurs in Central America
para a Cachoeira Paraíso, 23° 14’ S, 46° 56’ W, 996 (Panama) and South America (from Colombia to
m elevation, 13-XI-2009, Prado et. al. 2061 (SP, Bolivia).
UEC); Paranapiacaba, Serra de Paranapiacaba-
Pteris sericea differs from P. lechleri in having
Serra da Boa Vista, 700 m elevation, X-1925, rhizome creeping, laminae less pubescent, rachises
Brade 8404 (HB, R); São José dos Campos, pale abaxially, and geographically it is isolated
estrada São Francisco Xavier-Jardinópolis, Faz. in the Atlantic Forest (East coast of Brazil and
Santa Cruz, 14-IV-1981, Vieira 24 (HRCB); São Misiones in northeastern Argentina), whereas
Paulo, Parque Estadual das Fontes do Ipiranga, P. lechleri has its distribution restricted to the
3-IV-1979, Tosta Silva 303 (SP); Idem, Jaraguá, Andes, rhizome erect, laminae densely pubescent,
-II-1922, Luederwaldt s.n. (SP 21648). Paraná: and rachises dark brown. Tryon & Stolze (1989)
Adrianópolis, Parque Estadual das Lauráceas, 24° had already observed that P. lechleri has an erect
0’ S, 48° 32’ W, 12-XII-2006, Matos et al. 1296 rhizome in plants from Peru, where the type
SP, UPCB); Antônio Olinto, Água Amarela, 1-X- specimen of the name came from. However, this
969, Hatschbach 22304 (MBM, PACA, UPCB); characteristic may go unnoticed because many
Balsa Nova, Serra de São Luis, 16-VIII-1970, materials in herbaria are without rhizomes. The
Hatschbach 24479 (MBM, PACA); Campo Largo, ornamentation of the spores is also different in both
Rodovia BR-277, junto ao viaduto de acesso a species: P. lechleri has reticulate spores with free
Campo Largo, 25° 26’ 3” S, 49° 30’ 31” W, 975 m tubercles in the lumens (Fig. 2G-H) and P. sericea
elevation, 3-IV-2011, Fiaschi et al. 3720 (SP, SPF); has rugate spores in distal view (Fig. 2E-F).
Campo Mourão, Mata do lado da Usina Mourão,
In the general aspect, Pteris sotae O. Martínez
4° 7’ 6” S, 52° 19’ 13” W, 600 m elevation, resembles P. sericea, but differs by the entire and
4-XII-2007, Labiak et al. 4264 (SP, UPCB); long terminal segment of the pinnae, sometimes
Curitiba, Parque Iguaçú, 22-VIII-1984, Oliveira caudate (versus lobate to pinnatifid and short),
07 (MBM); Guarapuava, Estrada Municipal rounded apex of the laminar hairs (versus acicular),
Benedito de Paula Louro, próximo a Cachoeira São and coarsely rugate spores on distal view (versus
Francisco, 25° 3’ S, 51° 12’ W, 1080 m elevation, rugate). Pteris sotae occurs only in the Tucuman-
5-X-2011, Prado & Hirai 2190 (SP, SPF, TAIF, Bolivia forests in Argentina (Martínez, 2016).