Open data

Primary research data:
All raw data on which any research is based and which may or may not be published when a scientific advance is communicated but which are the basis of new knowledge. They can be classified as observational, experimental or computational.
The Argentine Republic adheres to the Open Access Policy through Law No. 26899: "Creation of Open Access, Own or Shared Institutional Digital Repositories", December 2013.
This Law and its regulations determine that researchers, professors, postdoctoral fellows, and master's and doctoral students whose research activity is financed with public funds, must deposit or expressly authorize the deposit of a copy of the final version of their published or accepted scientific-technological production for publication in the open access digital repositories of their institutions, within a period of no more than six (6) months from the date of its official publication or approval (Art.5º). 
Primary research data must be deposited within a period not exceeding five (5) years from the time of collection, in accordance with the policies established by the institutions. This is mandatory for data produced from 2013 onwards.
To contribute primary data from your research and publications, please complete the form or write to to coordinate actions.
DACyTAr Portal:
The portal allows centralized search and access to all primary research data sets available in open access through the institutional digital repositories that make up the National System of Digital Repositories (SNRD).