Effect of using air-induction nozzles and adjuvants on the quality of pesticide application

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Juan Pedro Platz
Francisco Bedmar
Pablo Luis Manetti
María Mercedes Echarte
María Gabriela Cendoya


Spraying of phytosanitary products must ensure efficient pest control while avoiding losses that could damage human health and environment. The objective of the study was to evaluate the effect of conventional hollow cone and air-induced hydraulic nozzles, and the addition of an adjuvant (Methylated Seed Oil [MSO]) upon the application quality of a fungicide (penetration, distribution, and uniformity) and losses due to endodrift on wheat and soybean canopies. In each crop, the experimental design was completely randomized,
with four replications and a factorial arrangement of nozzles x adjuvant. Droplet spectrum was evaluated by using water-sensitive cards, and brilliant blue as a tracer in the application mixture. According to the results, the MSO did not homogenize the distribution of droplets generated by air-induced nozzles in the wheat canopy, as it depended on the crop height evaluated. In addition, the MSO reduced endodrift independently of the type of nozzle used. The
distribution of droplets on the soybean canopy depended on the height and not on the type of nozzle nor the addition of MSO. The MSO and its combination with the nozzle type did not reduce endodrift in this crop.

Article Details

How to Cite
Effect of using air-induction nozzles and adjuvants on the quality of pesticide application. (2024). AgriScientia, 41(1), 1-15. https://doi.org/10.31047/1668.298x.v41.n1.42315

How to Cite

Effect of using air-induction nozzles and adjuvants on the quality of pesticide application. (2024). AgriScientia, 41(1), 1-15. https://doi.org/10.31047/1668.298x.v41.n1.42315


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