Egoism and community: an ethical reading of the road


  • Boris Julián Pinto Bustamante Universidad El Rosario; Universidad del Bosque



Bioethics, Motion pictures as Topic, Narrative Ethics, Social Values, Community


The movie The Road, based on the novel by american writer Cormac McCarthy, proposes an ethical question in a post-apocalyptic scenario: what would be the moral canon that regulates human relations in the face of the collapse of capitalist culture? This question carries with it a critique of the preconventional morality of a consumer society and proposes an ethics chosen in limit situations based on the recognition of human dignity. This article analyzes this proposal from three elements: the recognition of values as moral contents that justify human choices; the understanding of ethics as a reflective dimension of morality, and the demand for the care ethics as an alternative to the individualistic ethics prevalent in consumer society.


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How to Cite

Egoism and community: an ethical reading of the road. (2018). Ética Y Cine Journal, 8(1), 35-47.