Sailings, art, politics and memory in the work of Hilda Zagaglia Interview with the artist

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Adriana Musitano
Luisa Domínguez


Esta entrevista recupera los principales ejes de su obra, entre ellos, destacamos sus preocupaciones, dolores y respuestas a problemáticas socioambientales. Inspirada en los mitos americanos, en la religiosidad (indígena y judeocristiana) y en la naturaleza local. A lo largo de su vida y obra, Hilda ha creado pinturas, esculturas, grabados, cajas objeto, instalaciones y performances, con múltiples técnicas y perspectivas, para denunciar y no olvidar los distintos momentos que, a lo largo de la historia de América, supusieron la explotación de la tierra y vejaciones en los cuerpos.


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How to Cite
Musitano, A., & Domínguez, L. (2022). Sailings, art, politics and memory in the work of Hilda Zagaglia: Interview with the artist. Heterotopías, 5(9), 1-12.
Author Biographies

Adriana Musitano, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba

Adriana Musitano. PhD, BA and Professor of Arts, Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities. UNC. She carried out research directed by Dr. Jorge Dubatti, between 2015 and 2018, at the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters (UBA), the Postdoctorate in Human and Social Sciences.

Full Professor. Retired in 2017. She has worked as a researcher from 1996 to the present, and has been director of subsidized projects, fellows and PhD thesis students. Member of projects between 2017-2020, at CIFFyH, UNC/IAE, UBA. As a lecturer and postgraduate teacher she links theater and visual arts of the twentieth century and first decades of the XXI century. He has published Poéticas de lo cadavérico. Teatro, plástica y videoarte de fin del siglo XX. Córdoba, 2011; and books on Argentine and European theater, with comparative theater perspectives (at In addition, his works appear in national and international magazines, among others, telondefondo, Picadero, Dramateatro, E-misferica. And also in Actas (IAE, UBA; CIFFyH, UNC, and AINCRIT). She has published four books of poetry and sound poems. Since 2012 she has been Director of the Colección PAPELES TEATRALES, Córdoba, FFyH, UNC, with mentions for the editing work of the Premio Teatro del Mundo, C.C. Rojas, UBA, 2014 and 2018. In 2020 she formed Bosquemadura, EDITORIAL DE ARTE, digital book label, which publishes contemporary artists, being the first Pharus, del Hemisferio Sur al Norte by Matilde Marín. She lives and works in the city of Córdoba, Argentina.

Luisa Domínguez, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba

Luisa Domínguez. PhD in Linguistics from the University of Buenos Aires, BA in Modern Literature and Literary Correction Technician from the National University of Córdoba. Between 2015 and 2020, with a doctoral scholarship from CONICET, she researched in historical perspective the study of indigenous languages. She has published several articles in specialized journals. She is a researcher of the PIP "Philology and archive in the American South (Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, 1830-1930). Contributions for a political and material history of the American language", directed by Dr. Juan Antonio Ennis, and of the PICT "Interactions between languages and territories in the past and present. Linguistic ecology in Fuegopatagonia", directed by Dr. Marisa Malvestitti and Dr. Máximo Farro. She has also carried out academic activities at the UNC and UBA. She is a member of the editorial team of Bosquemadura. She lives in the city of Córdoba, Argentina.

How to Cite

Musitano, A., & Domínguez, L. (2022). Sailings, art, politics and memory in the work of Hilda Zagaglia: Interview with the artist. Heterotopías, 5(9), 1-12.


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