Conditions of possibility for a shift in the modern colonial episteme of state Universities

Mestizas annotations in/with/from/for the South


  • Paula Josefina Ramirez Universidad Nacional del Comahue


University, Perceived Outstanding, Situation Limit, Limit Act, Unprecedentedly viable


In this essay I evaluate the possibility of producing a shift in the modern/colonial episteme that predominates in university classrooms in this part of the south, Wallmapu (Mapuche body/territory). Based on the categories perceived importance – limit situation – limit act – untested feasibility introduced in his Pedagogy of the Oppressed ([1970] 1985) and Pedagogy of Hope ([1992] 2018), Paulo Freire created a reflexive-constructive methodology that goes beyond the technical dimensions of knowledge construction. It rather represents a way for us to see ourselves as social beings committed to transforming our reality. In this work I share notes taken from conversations with various sources, and discuss theoretical perspectives, poems, photographs and memories. Open to diverse elements, this essay seeks to bring together localized subjective and collective dimensions. The many theoretical-practical references meet the analytical demands of the process of re-thinking education, teaching and research. While of perceived importance, these practices are problematized in relation to the question of how the state University could become decolonized, and thus, in terms of the untested feasible, contribute to building up a community, strengthening the memories of the south in the construction of knowledge. From a decolonial analysis approach, conceptual and poetic tools are included in order to examine, uncover and broaden our vision from the perspective of peripheral critical theories. Taking this position into account, I suggest the construction of a collective opportunity for the interchange and systematization of diverse experiences as a limit act. These experiences should be shared and rediscovered, promoting the removal of persistent hegemonic representations in order to stop producing only essence and absence.


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Author Biography

  • Paula Josefina Ramirez, Universidad Nacional del Comahue
    Departamento Didáctica


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How to Cite

Conditions of possibility for a shift in the modern colonial episteme of state Universities: Mestizas annotations in/with/from/for the South. (2020). Interstices of Politics and Culture. Latin American Interventions, 9(18).