Concerns and irruptions of feminist epistemologies in academic-investigative work


  • Vanessa Ivana Monfrinotti Lescura CONICET- CEAPEDI- UNCo


feminists epistemologies, relacional ontologies, thinking-with care


This article proposes to explore different contributions of feminisms in the construction of knowledge, while presenting itself as an opportunity to problematize the research and academic itineraries of the writer. For this reason, this paper forms an exercise in itself, which places in scene some questions coming from feminist epistemologies, that enable the propagation of different questions that affect the investigative work. At first, with keys promoted by the epistemologies of the point of view, the relevance of reflecting on who investigates, what link there is between the everyday worlds we inhabit and the world of academia is investigated. In a second instance, the focus is on engaging with the issues-problems being investigated and the world horizons to which they pay. In a third and final moment, ontologies and relational epistemologies are themed, attending to some keys promoted by the community feminism of Lorena Cabnal and the multi-species feminism of Haraway.


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How to Cite

Concerns and irruptions of feminist epistemologies in academic-investigative work. (2024). Interstices of Politics and Culture. Latin American Interventions, 13(25), 29-49.