Clinical-demographic characteristics of tracheostomized patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Tracheostomy, COPD, mechanical ventilationAbstract
Tracheostomy (TQT) has emerged as a valuable alternative for patients with orotracheal intubation, especially those under prolonged mechanical ventilation (VMP), as in the case of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). This population presents additional challenges, and the available information regarding their progression in specialized centers is limited in Argentina.A descriptive, retrospective, and cross-sectional study was conducted at Santa Catalina Neurorehabilitation Clinic between August 2015 and December 2018. Patients with COPD referred to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU), tracheostomized, and subsequently referred to the Center for Ventilation Disconnection and Rehabilitation (CDVMR) were included. Cases with missing data or derived from other CDVMRs were excluded. Clinical records and interviews were employed to collect demographic and progression data.Out of the 27 COPD patients included (4.9% of 555), the majority were males (63%) with an average age of 68.1 years. Most were admitted with AVMi, and 11 (45.8%) were successfully disconnected, while 11 (40.7%) were decannulated. Survival and home discharge were more frequent in decannulated patients (81.8% were discharged) compared to non-decannulated ones (50% deceased, and none were discharged).COPD patients undergoing TQT and VMP, who succeed in being decannulated, seem to have better prospects for survival and home discharge compared to those who do not have the cannula removed. There is a suggestion for the need for additional analytical studies to confirm these findings and improve the understanding of this specific population.
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