Assessment of Cognitive Flexibility in the Elderly: Evidence for the Validity of the CAMBIOS Test
CAMBIOS Test, cognitive flexibility, older adults, validityAbstract
This study aims to accomplish two objectives: (1) To analyze the performance of Cognitive Flexibility (CF) in order to establish normative values in older adults, and (2) to evaluate the external validity evidence of the CAMBIOS Test in the older population from the Rio de la Plata region. An intentional non-probabilistic sample of 200 participants aged 60 to 85 from Mar del Plata divided into two groups was evaluated: younger, on one hand, and middle-aged older adults, on the other hand. Concurrent validity evidence of the CAMBIOS Test with a computerized CF task and criterion-related validity evidence associated with age were presented. Performance differences in CF were observed based on age. The scores in the age-associated CF level were equivalent between both instruments. The CAMBIOS Test proved to be useful for assessing CF, enabling the development of normative values for the regional older adult population, discriminated by age subgroups in the aging process.
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