Teaching space-time structure: a bibliometric analysis (1988-2020) and future directions of research


  • Juan Terán Centro Regional de Investigación en Ciencia, su Enseñanza y Filosofía (CRINCEF), Departamento de Física y Matemática, Universidad de Los Andes, La Concepción de Trujillo 3150, Trujillo, Venezuela
  • Gionara Tauchen Programa de Pós-Graduação de Educação em Ciências: Química da Vida e Saúde (PPGEC), Universidade Federal do Rio Grande, Av. Itália, 96203-900 - Km 8 - Carreiros, Rio Grande - RS -Brasil.
  • Hebert Lobo Centro Regional de Investigación en Ciencia, su Enseñanza y Filosofía (CRINCEF), Departamento de Física y Matemática, Universidad de Los Andes, La Concepción de Trujillo 3150, Trujillo, Venezuela




Spacetime, Teaching, Bibliometrics


A bibliometric analysis of scientific production was carried out for educational purposes, at all levels, on the structure of space-time, to reconstruct the intellectual, conceptual and social network structure of the scientific community involved, in the period 1988 to August of 2020. The information was obtained from the Web of Science databases, tracking the logical values "spacetime and teaching" or "spacetime and pedagogical", totaling one hundred and fourteen articles. The descriptive bibliometric analysis methodology was followed. Results and analysis are displayed with Bibliometrix, an open-source tool for quantitative research in scientometry and bibliometrics. It was concluded that the structure of space-time is strongly present in general relativity, quantum theory and in Schwarzschild solutions and that pedagogical models are related to the topics of quantum field theory, while teaching physics seeks to understand the structure of spacetime in the special and general theory of relativity.


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How to Cite

Teaching space-time structure: a bibliometric analysis (1988-2020) and future directions of research. (2021). Journal of Physics Teaching, 33(1), 47-59. https://doi.org/10.55767/2451.6007.v33.n1.33274