Conceptions of high school students about environmental issues

Main Article Content

Nancy Edith Fernandez
Marta Rozner
Cristian Zanini
José Luis Pereira
Selene Pirro
María Laura Ubici


An investigation was conducted with high school students from the city of Ushuaia, in orderto investigate the conceptions they have about environmental problems and their causes. We useddifferent methods to collect the data with which we were able to make a diagnosis on what ideasstudents are having. In order to do so, instruments such as individual surveys and group interviewswere used. During the interviews, we tried to understand how students relate to these issues, whetherthey seek ways to remedy them or to minimize their impacts, whether such issues affect theirdaily lives, or whether they go unnoticed. The results show that significant environmental issues foryouth are those related to their most immediate context, as well as the causes that they attributeto such problems.

Article Details

How to Cite
Conceptions of high school students about environmental issues. (2014). Journal of Biology Education, 17(2), (pp. 50-59).
Investigaciones y desarrollos
Author Biographies

Nancy Edith Fernandez

IPES Florentino Ameghino. Ushuaia. Instituto de Educación y Conocimiento. Universidad Nacionalde Tierra del Fuego

Marta Rozner

Estudiantes 4º año. Profesorado de Biología. IPES Florentino Ameghino

Cristian Zanini

Estudiantes 4º año. Profesorado de Biología. IPES Florentino Ameghino

José Luis Pereira

Estudiantes 4º año. Profesorado de Biología. IPES Florentino Ameghino

Selene Pirro

Estudiantes 4º año. Profesorado de Biología. IPES Florentino Ameghino

María Laura Ubici

Estudiantes 4º año. Profesorado de Biología. IPES Florentino Ameghino

How to Cite

Conceptions of high school students about environmental issues. (2014). Journal of Biology Education, 17(2), (pp. 50-59).