Study of Cognitive Skills in Secondary Education Students in Research Activities on Starch Identification in Food

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Andreia Freitas Zompero
Helenara Regina Figueiredo
Tiago Henrique Garbin


The aim of this study conducted with ten ninth-year Elementary School studentsfrom a public school in Londrina, Paraná, Brazil was to identify the cognitive skills foundin research activities on starch identification. The conclusion activity and the hypothesesproposed by students were analyzed according to Zoller’s studies and adjustments of thecategories proposed by Suart and Marcondes, recognizing Higher Order Cognitive Skills(HOCS) and Lower Order Cognitive Skills (LOCS) in their answers. Formulating hypothesesstimulated essential skills for the comprehension of scientific knowledge in students, suchas observation, identification and description, allowing the manifestation of cognitive skills,such as data interpretation, variable analysis and the search for information to solve theproblems proposed.

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How to Cite
Zompero, A. F., Figueiredo, H. R., & Garbin, T. H. (2017). Study of Cognitive Skills in Secondary Education Students in Research Activities on Starch Identification in Food. Journal of Biology Education, 20(1), (pp. 56-71).
Investigaciones y desarrollos
Author Biographies

Andreia Freitas Zompero, Universidade Norte do Paraná -UNOPAR

Doutora em Ensino de Ciências pela Universidade Estadual de Londrina. Docente do programa de mestrado em ensino da Universidade Norte do Paraná e do curso de Ciências Biológicas da Unopar

Helenara Regina Figueiredo, Unopar

Docente do mestrado em Ensino de linguagens e tecnologias daUnopar

Tiago Henrique Garbin, Unopar

Docente do curso de Ciências Biológicas da Unopar

How to Cite

Zompero, A. F., Figueiredo, H. R., & Garbin, T. H. (2017). Study of Cognitive Skills in Secondary Education Students in Research Activities on Starch Identification in Food. Journal of Biology Education, 20(1), (pp. 56-71).