Medical Students Teach Microbiology to Rural Communities through Collaborative Learning

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David Alejandro Ortega Paredes
Hegira Ramirez-Padilla
Esteban Fernandez Moreira


As part of their academic work, medical students must complete 60 hours of participation in a bonding program. The linking program "Healthy Water" brings ceramic filters to communities that lack drinking water, which in Ecuador is 25% of households. Students in groups of four visit four homes, deliver the filter, explain its use, operation and care. Then explain what the usual infectious agents of untreated water are: protozoan parasites, bacteria and viruses. For this, models of eukaryotic cell, bacterium, bacterial virus (phage T4) and eukaryotic virus (H1N3 influenza virus) will be provided. With these models, the students will deal with topics such as the differences in scale between the pathogens, the different infectious capacity and the mode of action of the antibiotics.

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How to Cite
Ortega Paredes, D. A., Ramirez-Padilla, H. ., & Fernandez Moreira, E. (2020). Medical Students Teach Microbiology to Rural Communities through Collaborative Learning. Journal of Biology Education, 23(1), 08-20.
Author Biographies

David Alejandro Ortega Paredes, Universidad Central del Ecuador, Quito, Ecuador

Licenciado en biología por la Pontificia Universida Católida del Ecuador y Master por la Universidad de Córdoba en España. Actualmente es Investigador de la Unidad de Investigación de Enfermedades Transmitidas por Alimentos y Resistencias a los Antibióticos. Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia. Universidad Central del Ecuador. Quito.

Esteban Fernandez Moreira, Universidad de las Américas Ecuador

Lic en Biología y Dr en Ciencias por la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. He realizado estancias postdoctorales en la Universidad de Míchigan y el Instituto de Investigaciones Biomédicas de la Coruña, España. Durante 4 años he trabajado como asesor en el Museo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología en España. Soy profesor a tiempo completo en la Universidad de las Américas, en Quito, Ecuador, en la Escuela de Medicina donde imparto asignaturas de bioquímica, biología celular y microbiología.

How to Cite

Ortega Paredes, D. A., Ramirez-Padilla, H. ., & Fernandez Moreira, E. (2020). Medical Students Teach Microbiology to Rural Communities through Collaborative Learning. Journal of Biology Education, 23(1), 08-20.


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