Proposal for reorganization of mass transport, city of Neuquén, Argentina

Main Article Content

Alicia Riera
Claudio Falavigna


: In the year 2008 the Municipality of the city of Neuquén and the Transportation Studies Center of the National University of Cordoba, signed a technical assistance agreement to develop a transportation project regarding urban transit reorganization. Alternative design proposals for the transportation network were considered aimed at improving operational, social, environmental, economic and regulative issues. A household travel survey was performed together with other complementary census, providing the primary information to develop the project, which concluded with a transit service bidding preliminary or draft document. The outcome of this piece of work was a contribution towards changing the standpoint about the role of urban transit, highlighting its relationship with urban environment development and its implications with life quality and opportunities for citizens. Almost a decade later, it is noted that the technical recommendations were partially implemented. This evidences that technical solutions should be part of an integrated and participatory policy to warrant continuity and completion of technical projects despite social or political changes.

Article Details

How to Cite
Proposal for reorganization of mass transport, city of Neuquén, Argentina. (2016). Administración Pública Y Sociedad (APyS), 1, 101-108.
Informes Técnicos
Author Biographies

Alicia Riera, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Sociales. Instituto de Investigación y Formación en Administración Pública.

Ingeniera Civil y Mgter en Gestión del Transporte, investigadora y docente del IIFAP

Claudio Falavigna, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Sociales. Instituto de Investigación y Formación en Administración Pública.

Doctor en Ingeniería del Transporte, investigador y docente del IIFAP

How to Cite

Proposal for reorganization of mass transport, city of Neuquén, Argentina. (2016). Administración Pública Y Sociedad (APyS), 1, 101-108.


CENTRO DE ESTUDIOS DE TRANSPORTE DE LA UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL DE CÓRDOBA, 2009. Estudio de Transporte de la Ciudad de Neuquén. Informe Final.

SUBIRATS, JOAN, 2007. ¿Qué gestión pública para que sociedad? .Texto de la conferencia pronunciada en el Instituto de Investigación y Formación en Administración Pública. Revista Administración Pública y Sociedad N° 16, año 2009.