Energy efficiency and industrial competitiveness: incentive system analysis about the provincial energy- efficient program (propee)

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Maximiliano Franco Camarda


This work is a summary of the thesis entitled “Energy Efficiency and Industrial Competitiveness: Incentive System Analysis about the Provincial Energy Efficient Program (ProPEE)” to obtain the Master’s degree in Public Administration granted by IIFAP -Research and Training Institute on Public Administration which belongs to the School of Social Sciences of the National University of Cordoba (UNC). Through this summary I intend to develop the main concepts related to energy efficiency and to explain the program’s importance and advantages for governments as well as for society as a whole. Once these concepts are clear, I briefly describe the Energy Efficiency Program under analysis. This means considering the objective sought, actors involved, target sectors and Program activities, among others. In this thesis, my general objective is to analyze systemic dynamics of the different public/private participants involved in the Provincial Energy Efficiency Program which applies to Cordoba’s province electrical and industrial sectors. Furthermore, I use the Problem Structuration Methodology, more precisely the Causal Analysis Method to decide about the importance of incentive/disincentives systems in markets where competitiveness is absent and power is concentrated by some sectors. In this case, I emphasize on the delimitation of the stage called “The Formal Problem Formal around the ProPEE Incentive System” describing different reasons for current incentive system’s inconsistencies and how to promote and make more effective the EE program all over the province through industrial sectors. Finally, I develop ten recommendations or modifications to be accomplished regarding public policies in order to progress towards a “Nash efficient equilibrium”, that is to say on the way to Sustainable Economic Development.

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How to Cite
Energy efficiency and industrial competitiveness: incentive system analysis about the provincial energy- efficient program (propee). (2017). Administración Pública Y Sociedad (APyS), 3, 62 a 81.
Author Biography

Maximiliano Franco Camarda, Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas.

Licenciado en Administración y Magister en Administración Pública por la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Integrante de la Comisión de Eficiencia Energética del Comité de Energía de Córdoba (CEC), Departamento de Empresas y Energía, CONICET.

How to Cite

Energy efficiency and industrial competitiveness: incentive system analysis about the provincial energy- efficient program (propee). (2017). Administración Pública Y Sociedad (APyS), 3, 62 a 81.


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