The role of international banks in capital flight

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Magdalena Rua


This paper discusses the role of international banks in capital flight from developing countries, focusing mainly in Argentina and addressing one of the most important cases of tax evasion in the history of global banks, “Swiss Leaks”. This work document analyzes the capital flight phenomenon in Argentina and the key role played by global banks in this process. Besides, it proposes a review on the most important proposals of international regulation against fiscal and financial opacity.

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How to Cite
The role of international banks in capital flight. (2017). Administración Pública Y Sociedad (APyS), 3, 106 a 125.
Author Biography

Magdalena Rua, Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas.

Contadora Pública graduada en Universidad de Buenos Aires, Maestranda en Economía Política en FLACSO, Docente en Universidad de Buenos Aires - Facultad de Ciencias Económicas, Investigadora. Publiqué numerosos trabajos de tributación, economía y finanzas, y participé en numerosos congresos, talleres, cursos y diplomaturas como expositora y coordinadora.

How to Cite

The role of international banks in capital flight. (2017). Administración Pública Y Sociedad (APyS), 3, 106 a 125.


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