Parliamentaries of MERCOSUR: context and supranational regulation. Incidence in the electoral norms of the Argentine Republic

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Gerardo Andrés Becerra Córdoba


On December 29, 2014, the Argentine Congress enacted Law No. 27.120 regarding the election of Parliamentarians of Mercosur, in compliance with the provisions of the regional body in the Protocol Establishing the Mercosur Parliament, making important changes to specific electoral norms of our country such as the National Electoral Code, the Political Parties Financing Law, and the Primary Elections Act (PASO), in order to adapt the electoral processes already in effect to these new elective offices of supranational importance. In the present work, we will address the most important aspects of these modifications, the nature of these new elective offices and the community legislative body that they make up, their history, current integration, the normative value of their provisions, and the system of election of parliamentarians in Argentina. We will deal specifically with the aforementioned modifications to the local electoral legislation regarding the candidates for parliamentarians, their election, the interrelation of the electoral campaigns, other charges at stake in the same election, and finally the special legal status and the judicial control of these new ones transnational elective positions, always taking into account that the electoral law is not reduced to the scope of the rules, but covers many more aspects of the political life of a country, a region and the world.

Article Details

How to Cite
Parliamentaries of MERCOSUR: context and supranational regulation. Incidence in the electoral norms of the Argentine Republic. (2018). Administración Pública Y Sociedad (APyS), 5, 55-66.
Dossier Temático
Author Biography

Gerardo Andrés Becerra Córdoba, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Sociales. Instituto de Investigación y Formación en Administración Pública.

Abogado (Facultad de Derecho, UNC), cursante de la Especialización en Administración Pública Provincial y Municipal (IIFAP). Oficial Mayor de la Secretaría Electoral del Juzgado Federal N° 1 de Córdoba (PJN).-

How to Cite

Parliamentaries of MERCOSUR: context and supranational regulation. Incidence in the electoral norms of the Argentine Republic. (2018). Administración Pública Y Sociedad (APyS), 5, 55-66.


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