The advanced manufacturing between two extremes

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Jorge Marques Pontes
Arline Sydneia Abel Arcuri


Our goal is to analyze the advanced manufacturing (industry 4.0) and their impact on the organization of the world of work in standing between two extremes: the luddite pessimism and naive optimism. To do so, we will make an explanation about the current phase of industrial economy called the fourth industrial revolution and the importance of this type of industry in it. At this way, the concept of social precarization of labor is essential to understand the negative impacts of these innovations. In this context, we will try to answer, even preliminarily, the question of what possible and necessary policies are to prevent negative impacts on workers in general.

Article Details

How to Cite
The advanced manufacturing between two extremes. (2018). Administración Pública Y Sociedad (APyS), 5, 26-37.
Author Biographies

Jorge Marques Pontes, Fundacentro.

Coordenação de Higiene do Trabalho / SQi

Arline Sydneia Abel Arcuri, Fundacentro.

Fundacentro, MT/Brasil

How to Cite

The advanced manufacturing between two extremes. (2018). Administración Pública Y Sociedad (APyS), 5, 26-37.


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