Institutionalism of the energy efficiency in the Argentine Republic: analysis of the main policies in the period 1980 -2017

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Maximiliano Franco Camarda


The aim of this work is to analyze the institutional framework, main policies and Energy Efficiency Programs (EEP) applied in the Argentine Republic from 1980 to2017, indicating theirstrengths and weaknesses. As well as possible actions to achieve a long-term solidity in the field of energy efficiency. The understanding of incentive structures and systemic dynamics among the public/private agents participating of Energy Efficiency Programs (EEP), involves the analysis of key variables that affect the operation of energy markets in general, and particularly the energy consumers’ behavior structure. According to Tirole (1990), institutions fulfill a significant role to achieve an efficient performance of the markets, mainly in those sectors in which competition is too weak and existing companies have high market power. Some industrial sectors such as landline and mobile communications, drinking water, electricity, railways, subways and transportation in general, are dominated by a smallnumber of large corporations, such as oligopoly markets or so called natural monopolies; the problem arises when these markets are not efficiently regulated. As a consequence this situation produces unwanted environmental and social effects such as dissavings, energy shortage, waste of natural resources, environmental pollution, prices that exceed costs, low productivity companies which survive blocking the entry of new competitors, service quality decline and consumer rights’ violations, etc.In this sense, Institutional studiesand institutional change are essential to infer the implications these have over sustainable economic development in different countries.

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How to Cite
Institutionalism of the energy efficiency in the Argentine Republic: analysis of the main policies in the period 1980 -2017. (2019). Administración Pública Y Sociedad (APyS), 7, 22-43.

How to Cite

Institutionalism of the energy efficiency in the Argentine Republic: analysis of the main policies in the period 1980 -2017. (2019). Administración Pública Y Sociedad (APyS), 7, 22-43.


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