The governance of energy efficiency: an effective public policy to strengthen energy transition towards sustainable economic development models
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Planet Earth and humanity are exposed to the greatest threat that may exist in the economic and social history of the world that is Climate Change.
Today sovereign states of the world face the multiple challenges of global warming and sustainable economic development and this fact implies accepting a new role for the state in the economy and in society, as well as developing new forms of government designed to find concrete answers to the great diversity of problems originated as a result of climate change.
The State nature and its actions as to the provision of certain global public goods such as energy efficiency, energy security and sustainable development give rise to the existence of new business models such as markets of goods and services of energy efficiency and renewable energy and to a growing number of institutions and actors in the energy market. This situation is evidenced in a process of transnational energy governance characterized by its heterogeneity and institutional and political fragmentation.
In this perspective, this work aims to identify the role of the state in the provision of public energy goods, it also pretends to provide an introduction to the topic of transnational energy governance and specifically it develops the governance of energy efficiency regarding characteristics, objectives, dimensions and an application case on citizen participation in Energy Efficiency Programs based on the Aarhus Agreement.
Conclusions show that public policies should aim to manage efficiently and equitably the complex consequences of climate change by establishing mechanisms and institutional arrangements in order to develop a solid and democratic system of energy efficiency governance that allows energy transition to be led towards investment, production and consumption models sustainable in the long term.
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