Neoliberal development, transnational capital and the role of law: brief analysis of the Chevron case in Ecuador

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Vitor de Souza Costa
Daniel Maurício de Aragão


The acceleration of capitalist transnationalization in recent decades has been supported by the diffusion and application of a neoliberal-based development model, as well as adjustments in the field of law as a way to ensure the accumulation of capital and the impunity of corporations in human rights violations, including environmental ones.The article relies on bbliographic research and field research with interviews and discusses concepts such as discipliny neoliberalism, supremacy, lex mercatoria and new constitutionalism. Based on the Chevron case in Ecuador, the article aims to analyze how corporate transnationalization, human rights violations and impunity are established. It thus notes the contradictions and tensions in Ecuador since the 1990s regarding Chevron's actions in the country and highlights the role of governments, social movements and organizations as they attempt to address the legal limitations for Chevron's effective condemnation. The article presents, therefore, the political and economic context that allowed Chevron's action in the country and the advances and setbacks in the fight for justice inside and outside Ecuador.

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How to Cite
Neoliberal development, transnational capital and the role of law: brief analysis of the Chevron case in Ecuador. (2020). Administración Pública Y Sociedad (APyS), 9, 6-31.
Dossier Temático

How to Cite

Neoliberal development, transnational capital and the role of law: brief analysis of the Chevron case in Ecuador. (2020). Administración Pública Y Sociedad (APyS), 9, 6-31.


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