Governmentality, data and algorithms. The modernization of the Argentine State under the model of digital platforms

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Emiliano Venier


This paper aims to analyze the implementation of the Digital Platform of the National Public Sector carried out by the government of Argentina between 2017 and 2019. This commitment is based on the implementation of a modernization process of the State. This emerging style of government action derives from a computationally assisted management and organization system of society, culture and economy that is called a “platform”: a programmable architecture designed to organize the interactions between users and machines.

The approach adopted for this study refers to the perspective of governmentality derived from the analytics proposed by Michel Foucault and the post-Foucaultian anglophone tradition. The gaze that is sharpened in this approach is the government's analytics, through statements and practices that allow us to recognize the conditions in which particular entities or regimes of government practices emerge, remain, and mutate.

This commitment recognizes the relevance assumed by the data and its processing as it allows the coordination and implementation of public policies and the generation and analysis of information on multiple aspects of each citizen. But for the development of this art of government requires a technical knowledge whose operation requires establishing exchanges with technology actors.

This work strives to single out the forms and practices of government assisted by computational technologies and how this leads to a reconfiguration of the State and mutations in the way the public and citizen subjectivity is configured.

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How to Cite
Governmentality, data and algorithms. The modernization of the Argentine State under the model of digital platforms. (2021). Administración Pública Y Sociedad (APyS), 11, 156-175.
Dossier Temático

How to Cite

Governmentality, data and algorithms. The modernization of the Argentine State under the model of digital platforms. (2021). Administración Pública Y Sociedad (APyS), 11, 156-175.


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