Net neutrality in South America seen from the actor network theory: the case of five countries
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In recent years, the principle of net neutrality has been debated as part of Internet regulation. Mainly because of the incentives that service operators could have to discriminate content and the tensions between the actors. This study analyzes the design and implementation of net neutrality in South America using the actor-network theory to map the sociotechnical network formed around it. It intends to show the heterogeneous elements that conform the network and analyze its structure, identifying and characterizing the different positions of the involved actors. The study relied on a largely empirical approach and employed data gathering that includes document review within the development of network neutrality in the region. In the implementation of laws and regulations, many ambiguities were identified, which produce disputes between actors at different levels. The findings suggest that it is a complicated issue because of the multiple interpretations, the complex interests, and the market power of the players. Also, it is unlikely that a single set of rules could address all aspects of network neutrality. In conclusion, despite the implementation of laws, operators continue affecting the principle without being observed. Consequently, in South America, the pure concept of the principle has not been made valid due to the lack of legal instruments that allow a better implementation to maintain an open Internet.
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