Public policies and their grammatical content. An approach to the model of the grammar of institutions from local public policy

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The analysis of public policies constitutes a topic that, traditionally, aroused a marked interest within specialized sectors and that, for this reason, early on, motivated different theoretical and methodological proposals.  Inscribed in this trend, the tools of institutional grammar represent a relatively recent contribution, in which the study focuses, strictly, on the examination of the textual components of the expressions of public policies.  Although, in recent years, this approach has received greater attention within the pertinent field, the different aspects involved in its implementation still admit higher levels of inquiry.  Considering this and contemplating the possibility of applying this technique to the textual analysis of public policies in the Argentine institutional scenario, in this work, a tour of the main aspects of the theoretical and conceptual development of the institutional grammar model is carried out and a series of specific proposals are formulated for its implementation based on the examination of selected instruments of provincial public policy.

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How to Cite
Public policies and their grammatical content.: An approach to the model of the grammar of institutions from local public policy. (2023). Administración Pública Y Sociedad (APyS), 15, 2-35.

How to Cite

Public policies and their grammatical content.: An approach to the model of the grammar of institutions from local public policy. (2023). Administración Pública Y Sociedad (APyS), 15, 2-35.


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