Knowledge management and innovation: a practical experience of MIPG in the mayor's office of Bucaramanga, Colombia (2020-2022)

Main Article Content


The report is constituted as an exercise, of a reflective nature, carried out from the development and practical application of dimension six, Knowledge and Innovation Management (GESCO + I), of the Integrated Planning and Management Model (MIPG) in the Mayor's Office of Bucaramanga, Colombia, during the temporality (2020-2022).

To this end, throughout the writing a brief reference of the Integrated Planning and Management Model (MIPG) is presented, followed by an institutional contextualization of the Mayor's Office of Bucaramanga, and continues respectively with the description of the various strategies and actions implemented in the application of the dimension of the model, as well as with the respective presentation of the difficulties Recommendations and benefits derived from the lived experience.

In this way, it is intended to contribute to the construction of knowledge through the strengthening of thematic networks in academic production, derived from public exercise, for discussion, debate, and appropriation.   

Article Details

How to Cite
Knowledge management and innovation: a practical experience of MIPG in the mayor’s office of Bucaramanga, Colombia (2020-2022). (2023). Administración Pública Y Sociedad (APyS), 15, 205-219.
Informes Técnicos

How to Cite

Knowledge management and innovation: a practical experience of MIPG in the mayor’s office of Bucaramanga, Colombia (2020-2022). (2023). Administración Pública Y Sociedad (APyS), 15, 205-219.


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