Proposal for a prospective monitoring process of the strategic plan of the Faculty of Agronomy UNLPAM to 2040

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Santiago Ferro Moreno
Roberto Carlos Mariano
Santiago Agustin Perez


The Faculty of Agronomy at the National University of La Pampa has a history of over 60 years. In 2019, it initiated a strategic, forward-looking, and participatory planning process, incorporating perspectives from all sectors of the institution. An initial version was developed, which included a consensus on institutional values, the desired long-term model, a forward-looking diagnosis, proposed improvement objectives for 2030 and 2040, and guidelines for short, medium, and long-term actions. After five years, with changes in institutional leadership, there is a need to assess the degree of implementation and adoption of this plan. The objective of this study is to analyze the strategic and forward-looking planning process of the Faculty of Agronomy at UNLPam and propose a surveillance model. This model should allow for proactive monitoring of progress and provide information to enhance decision-making processes. Three dimensions of monitoring indicators are proposed: a) regarding problematic areas identified by the FAUNLPam community; b) concerning the 2040 and 2030 consensus objectives; and c) related to the level of adoption and use of the plan. The suggested indicators are linked to the nature of the central variables of problematic areas and objectives. In some cases, there is existing data to establish a baseline and monitor changes over time. In other cases, data may be scarce, requiring the collection of quantitative and qualitative information for calculation and interpretation. Implementing a surveillance process involves measuring, reflecting, and proactively anticipating possible deviations within the framework of the planned objectives. It's a way to ensure that the strategic plan remains relevant and adaptable to changing circumstances while maintaining the long-term vision of the institution.

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How to Cite
Proposal for a prospective monitoring process of the strategic plan of the Faculty of Agronomy UNLPAM to 2040. (2023). Administración Pública Y Sociedad (APyS), 16, 218-243.
Informes Técnicos

How to Cite

Proposal for a prospective monitoring process of the strategic plan of the Faculty of Agronomy UNLPAM to 2040. (2023). Administración Pública Y Sociedad (APyS), 16, 218-243.


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