Dwell with the circus. Spatial practices and artistic resonances from Rosario (Argentina)
Circus, Dwell, Resonance, SpatializationAbstract
This article aims to analyze the implications and scope of a case of spatial appropriation and resignification through circus practices in the city of Rosario (Argentina). From the follow-up of the development and the resonances of that artistic-dwelling experience, a traceable cartography through four observation scales will be drawn. First, the sociocultural dynamics converging in the occupation of the central riverbank of Rosario by circus artists in the 1990s are located. Second, the local ramifications of that experience –bifurcated between the proliferation of self-managed spaces and governmental integration– is studied. Third, the articulations of these developments with other Argentine cities are examined, taking an experience from the city of Buenos Aires as a case study. Fourth, some of the transnational itineraries of the circus arts that emerged on the Rosario riverbank are followed. The data used for this research comes from in-depth qualitative interviews carried out with the participants of the experiences with written materials.
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