Drawing America: Anna Bella Geiger’s cartographic Ecuations
Images, Map, Space, Art, GeographyAbstract
Whilst the affinities between art and cartography have been studied (Wood, 1987), research on the interest of art in cartography (Harmon, 2004, 2009; de Diego, 2008; Tiberghien, 2010, 2013; Wood, 2006, 2014; Lois, 2014; Besse & Tibergheim, 2017; Hollman & Mazzitelli Mastricchio, 2016) is recent. In particular, the understanding that both artists’ mapping and the maps they create could become a source of spatial information (Girardi, 2017; Padovesi Fonseca & Hollman, 2018). In 2018, Museum of National University of Tres de Febrero-Centre of Contemporary Art held the exposition “Physical and Human Geography” of the Brazilian artist Ana Bella Geiger. The map, or, the maps that Ana Bella Geiger created with different techniques were the absolute protagonists of that exposition. By taking as starting point some of her artworks, we propose to analyze how she uses elements of cartography to challenge the common sense of Latin America and put forward other ways to image this space. We will focus on the maps that make up the Ecuations series.
Key words: Images, Map, Space, Art, Geography.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Malena Mazzitelli Mastricchio, Verónica Hollman
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