Sowing Adrift. The Weed Revolution at Los Asperones in Malaga (Spain)
Walking, City maps, Landscape architecture, Public gardens, Citizen participationAbstract
The nomadic condition has determined the configuration of human societies during their long evolution. Various humanistic, socio-cultural and political trends have studied the symbolic and aesthetic possibilities of this wandering, but none in such depth as the Situationist drift. From Debord onwards, interest in loss has increased as a poetic strategy to give meaning to the territory covered within the urban environment. Thus, the art of wandering becomes a poetic way of inhabiting, capable of endowing the travelled territory with meaning generating relevant changes in the entropic ecosystem of the city and its forgotten or worn-out areas, as is the case of Los Asperones in Málaga, Spain. Among the inappropriate ways of this metaphorical inhabiting, promoted by an art in movement and the on foot architecture, we analyse the concept of the emergency or guerrilla garden and other urban and artistic projects that are committed to an overflowing growth like that of the weed, which knows how to grow among the forgotten margins and defy the established orders to change the structure of our social reality and propose alternatives to our ways of making worlds.
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