Gestures, spiritual activism and engaged pedagogies. An interdisciplinary approach to the works of Tau Luna Acosta, Rita Ponce de León and Verena Melgarejo Weinandt




contemporary art, engaged pedagogies, philosophy, sociology, interdisciplinary practices


This essay proposes a reading of the practices of artists Tau Luna Acosta, Verena Melgarejo Weinandt and Rita Ponce de León based on a cross-reference with tools and methodologies from sociology, philosophy and pedagogy by authors such as Silvia Rivera Cusicanqui, Gloria Anzaldúa, Marie Bardet and bell hooks. In order to exemplify the diverse ways in which these ideas land in the works of Acosta, Weinandt and Ponce de León, I will analyze a selection of installations, videos, drawings and workshops that allow us to understand their practice beyond the material results, where the process has more or equal relevance than the final result. Taking their own experience as migrants to other countries, I will also contemplate processes of collective memory and identity construction as themes that are problematized in different ways in their work. The goal is to show how their artistic practices materialize tools from other disciplines in order to generate transforming, healing and alliance-building experiences among the people who participate, resulting in processes that aim to generate complicity and solidarity beyond the work and its formal exhibition.


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Author Biography

  • Renata Cervetto, Investigadora Independiente

    Magíster en Historia del Arte Contemporáneo y Cultura Visual (UCM, Museo Reina Sofía, 2023); Licenciada en Artes (Universidad de Buenos Aires, 2011) y egresada del programa curatorial del Appel arts centre en Ámsterdam (2014). Ha sido coordinadora del área de Educación de MALBA (2015-2018), curadora de la 11va Bienal de Berlín (2019-2020), junto a Agustín Pérez Rubio, María Berríos y Lisette Lagnado, y tutora del programa de Residencias Artísticas de Matadero Madrid (2023). En 2016 editó Agítese antes de usar. Desplazamientos educativos, sociales y artísticos en América Latina, junto a Miguel López (TEOR/éTica y MALBA), y en 2023 Agítese antes de usar. Proximidad y reciprocidad en las prácticas artísticas/educativas (Terremoto/Temblores)junto a M. López y Macarena Hernández. Actualmente, es editora de la publicación Fora per fer Escola. Archivos de renovación pedagógica catalana (Manifesta 15, Barcelona). 


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How to Cite

Gestures, spiritual activism and engaged pedagogies. An interdisciplinary approach to the works of Tau Luna Acosta, Rita Ponce de León and Verena Melgarejo Weinandt. (2024). Artilugio, 10, 234-250.