Digital Preservation Policy
Artilugio is hosted in the Journal Portal of the National University of Córdoba, a website that supports the open and free diffusion of scientific, academic, and cultural knowledge within the university community. All the submissions included in the journals that belong to the Journal Portal are protected with duplicate copies in servers belonging to the National University of Córdoba Computer Science Department. Access to these servers is restricted and the facilities are suitable to ensure the data is protected.
Likewise, journals that use OJS are provided with PKP PLN (PKP Private LOCKSS Network), which allows the preservation of content despite where it is hosted. This tool utilizes the distributed preservation network used by LOCKSS to create a storage system distributed among participating libraries and produce permanent archives in the journal for conservation and restoration purposes.
Further information:
LOCKSS system has permission to collect, preserve, and serve this Archival Unit.
In addition, the Editorial Team stores all issues and articles on external hard drives and file-hosting services.