Medical ethnobotany of Moqoit Indians and its comparison with Criollos groups of argentinian Chaco
Medicinal plants, Mocoví,, Chaco, indians, criollosAbstract
Background and aims: Our current knowledge about Moqoit medical ethnobotany is scarce, that is why the aim of this paper seeks to identify the medicinal plants and its therapeutic indications registered in the field among present moqoit people from Chaco province. These data are also compared with the few historical data available, as well as with the medical ethnobotany of Argentinian Gran Chaco criollos people and surrounding areas.
M&M: Between 2008 and 2018, a total of 11 (eleven) campaigns were carried out to the Moqoit settlements in Chaco province, where semi-structured interviews were carried out with key collaborators. With these key people, herbarium samples were collected from the plants they have indicated.
Results: A total of 381 medicinal applications are registered about 155 botanical taxa. Most of them (28%) are prescribed against digestive disorders and in a lesser extent, against dermatological conditions (15%), as antipyretics (14%) and for the reproductive system (13%). Frequently plants are used against “empacho” (digestive disorder), affections of magical-religious etiology (therapeutic rituals), as refreshing, antitussive and against toothache. Conclusions: The results from the comparisons made show the presence of cultural loans from criollos groups –by location and stock- to Moqoit medical ethnobotany, mostly from the Hispanic-Quichua criollos bio-cultural complex
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