Novelties for the bryophyte flora of Chaco province, North of Argentina




Fissidentaceae, Frullaniaceae, Pottiaceae, Sematophyllaceae


Background and aim: Bryophytes are an important group of plants in forest ecosystems that act as primary colonizers, moisture regulators and nutrient fixers. Due to their sensitivity to disturbance, they are used as bioindicators in impact studies. Nevertheless, there are extensive areas poorly studied that currently are undergoing significant changes due to agricultural and livestock practices, as is the case in Chaco. As part of a major project which aims to determine the impact on land-use change on the bryophyte diversity in Chaco, samples collected in the region have been analyzed with the aim of updating knowledge of the bryophyte flora in the province.

M&M: Samples from preserved and non-preserved areas from Chaco were studied according to the traditional techniques for bryophytes and mounted in water-glycerin-phenol or Hoyer´s solution.

Results: As a result, 26 species distributed in 19 genera and 13 families, are newly recorded to Chaco province.

Conclusions: The results improved our understanding of a poorly explored flora in a region with unique characteristics. These findings reinforce the value of floristic studies to collect data about poorly known species and their distribution, and to provide a basis for applied studies. In Argentina, despite efforts made in recent decades, there is still a lack of understanding regarding bryophyte diversity. This, combined with rapid changes in land use, may lead to the alteration or disappearance of bryophyte communities before they are even studied.


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“Novelties for the Bryophyte Flora of Chaco Province, North of Argentina”. 2024. Boletín De La Sociedad Argentina De Botánica (Journal of the Argentine Botanical Society 59 (4).

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