Analysis of genetic diversity in fragmented and continuous populations of Aspidosperma quebracho-blanco (Apocynaceae) from the semi-arid Chaco
AFLP, fragmentation, genetic structureAbstract
Background and aims: The loss and fragmentation of the Chaco Forest due to deforestation could affect the genetic diversity of species. Previous analyses of Aspidosperma quebracho-blanco, an emblematic forest species of the region, suggested that populations in the northern Semi-arid Chaco of Argentina are of interest for in situ conservation and restoration. Thus, we analyzed the genetic diversity and structure of fragmented and continuous populations of Aspidosperma quebracho-blanco from this region to assess the risk of genetic erosion and the role of fragmented habitats in the conservation of this species.
M&M: Using 4 AFLP marker combinations, the genetic variability and structure of 49 individuals from 2 continuous and 3 fragmented populations of A. quebracho-blanco were analyzed. This analysis was conducted in the context of territorial forest planning, considering the distribution of protected areas, ecological corridors, land use, and the area of the forest fragments.
Results: The differences in the estimated genetic variability indices between the continuous and fragmented populations studied were not significant (pHe=0.62, pSh=0.53, p%P=0.68). The genetic structure is moderate and correlates with the distance between populations. The most vulnerable populations are located in areas where land use is allowed.
Conclusions: Forest fragments are important for the conservation of A. quebracho-blanco. However, in the short term, ecological, and demographic factors may have a greater impact on the viability of its populations than genetic erosion caused by fragmentation.
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