Plantation with Ochetophila trinervis (Rhamnaceae) in northwestern Patagonian streambanks invaded by Salix fragilis (Salicaceae)
Actinorrhizal plant, management of non-natives, plant conservation, plant quality, restorationAbstract
Background and aims: Salix fragilis is a non-native invasive tree that causes alterations in Patagonian streambanks. The revegetation with native species may favor the recovery of biodiversity, it is therefore necessary to find a species capable to coexist with this disturbance. The native shrub Ochetophila trinervis might be an option, because saplings can be produced in nurseries, plants have a high resprout capacity and roots are associated with symbiotic nitrogen fixing actinobacteria; qualities that make the species resilient in altered environments. The aim of this work was to analyze the plantation success with O. trinervis plants in streambanks invaded by S. fragilis.
M&M: The establishment of O. trinervis saplings was studied for two years in the field, in three patches under different riparian vegetation conditions: native shrubs, S. fragilis with intervention (with thinning and pruning), and S. fragilis without intervention.
Results: The survival of O. trinervis was close to 90% one month after planting, then it decreased to 40% in the second summer in both conditions with S. fragilis and to 10% in that of native shrubs. The diameter of the neck (DAC) relative to pre-planting was four times greater in the intervened S. fragilis patch than in the native shrubland, in the first summer. The dry weight of leaves and roots was also greater in these patches. The diameter of the neck and the height of the plants were related to field survival, and both the ecophysiological indicators and aspects of nodulation presented different relationships.
Conclusions: The invaded streambanks with S. fragilis were favorable for the establishment of O. trinervis, so revegetation of invaded patches might be possible to manage this problem.
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