Aims & Scope, Fees

Bol. Soc. Argent. Bot. publishes original scientific papers on the whole spectrum of Plant Biology (structure, anatomy, development, physiology, cytology, genetics, evolution, ecology, paleobotany, palynology, ethnobotany, etc.) in the various plant organisms and related groups (mycology, phycology, lichenology, bryology, etc.), both in basic and applied aspects.
Taxonomic (systematics, phylogeny, monographs, revisions, lectotypifications, nomenclatural acts, taxon descriptions), phytogeographical and phytosociological (survey and classification of vegetation at different spatial scales and without restriction of methodological approaches) works are considered for publication. Contributions that address complete phytogeographic units or sub-units and those that fill gaps in knowledge of the vegetation of poorly known territories are especially welcome. Extensions of geographic areas are published only in the case of new citations for a country. Checklists and annotated plant lists are not published.
Articles submitted for publication should be original and should not have been submitted to another publisher or previously published (in print or electronic format). Submissions of papers already published in another language (self-plagiarism by translation) will not be accepted.
Accepted contributions will be in the form of articles or reviews, in Spanish, Portuguese or English. Research papers and original studies will comprise 85% of the content of the journal. The remaining % may include review articles, technical articles or obituaries. The Bol. Soc. Argent.Bot. does not publish divulgation papers, for which the SAB provides the publication "FOLIUM".
Frequency of publication: One volume is published with four issues per year (March, June, September, December). Accepted papers that complete the editorial process will be published in Online first.

Fees and Payment Methods (*updated September 2021)
SAB MEMBERS with current dues have the benefit of publishing free of charge in the Bol. Soc. Argent. Bot., with no limit of pages per paper or number of papers per year. Members with dues in arrears must catch up before their work can be published. From now on it will be enough that only ONE AUTHOR is a member of the SAB.
*If the first author of the paper is a GRADUATE OR POSTGRADUATE STUDENT, he/she does not need to be a member of the SAB. You must send proof of membership.
*In appreciation for the work done by the ARTICLE REVIEWERS, they are offered the publication of an article without the need to be a member of the SAB, such article may be sent in the year following the evaluation.
The journal does not charge a fee for submitting and processing articles. In the digital edition of the Bulletin color figures are free of charge, in the printed version they will be in grayscale and at no extra cost.

NON-MEMBERS of the SAB: must become a member to access the free publication. See membership costs at (Argentine, Latin American and non-Latin American). Membership must be made when the article has been accepted for publication by the Editorial Committee, prior to publication. Payment of membership fees on-line through the Mercado Pago system (Debit or Credit Cards, Cash through authorized stores throughout the country, or by Transfer through Red Link,  consult the society's web page).