Sustaining educational trajectories at primary level: local articulations between families, school support centers and schools in a marginal neighborhood of CABA

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Serena Aylen Santos


This paper presents part of the findings of a research that analyzes the local implementation of the socio-educational program Red Comunitaria de Apoyo Escolar (Ministry of Education, CABA), which operates under the model of associated management with civil society organizations. We will analyze the articulations generated within the framework of this program between mothers of primary school students who attend the school support program of the Madre del Pueblo Club, the coordinators and educators who work in these spaces and the directors of two schools in the Ricciardelli neighborhood. The transversal axis of the analysis are the perceptions of the family referents on school support, showing how the meanings they construct around informal schooling differ from those constructed by the directors of schools and territorial teams. It will be shown how school support centers constitutes a support (Martucelli, 2007) that allows families to replenish a cultural-scholastic capital (Bourdieu, 2000) to accompany their children in schooling. The research assumed a qualitative approach, using the case study methodological strategy. Ten in-depth interviews were conducted with the aforementioned actors during 2021.

Keywords: Socio-educational programs - school support - elementary school - families - Ricciardelli Neighborhood

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How to Cite
Sustaining educational trajectories at primary level: local articulations between families, school support centers and schools in a marginal neighborhood of CABA. (2023). Cuadernos De Educación, 22, 107-125.
DOSSIER: Procesos educativos y ampliación de derechos a cuarenta años de la recuperación democrática

How to Cite

Sustaining educational trajectories at primary level: local articulations between families, school support centers and schools in a marginal neighborhood of CABA. (2023). Cuadernos De Educación, 22, 107-125.