De las biopolíticas a las necropolíticas en el contexto del poshumanismo y el posantropocentrismo en The Year of the Flood de Margaret Atwood y ¿Sueñan los androides con ovejas eléctricas? de Philip Dick


  • Mirian Carballo Universidad Nacional de Córdoba


biopolitics, necropolitics, materialism, posthumanism, postanthropocentrism


Foucault’s biopolitics (Historia de la Sexualidad Vol. 1, 1976) can be found at the basis of uncountable socio-cultural and political analytical papers when concerned with the normativity of bodies, health and the social policies that regulate society. In the post-apocalyptic texts, The Year of the Flood, by Margaret Atwood, and Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?, by Philip Dick, where bodies’ materiality of the classical humanism has crossed unthinkable frontiers and has placed us not only within posthumanism but also in post- anthropocentrism, biopolitics have changed their object, their source and their regulation model. The norm and the biopolitical power devices based on biotechnology and robotics knowledge and within the reach of the large commercial corporations, which wage power and surveillance tools, do not construct disciplined bodies any longer but in an open and obscene way they dispose of indocile and useless bodies and have become necropolitics at the individual and the macro level. From the perspective of material ecocriticism, this paper examines the above texts regarding intra and inter-specie transcorporeal passages within the context of poshumanism and the postanthropocentric turn as well as its relations with biopolitics and necropolitics.



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How to Cite

De las biopolíticas a las necropolíticas en el contexto del poshumanismo y el posantropocentrismo en The Year of the Flood de Margaret Atwood y ¿Sueñan los androides con ovejas eléctricas? de Philip Dick. (2021). Revista De Culturas Y Literaturas Comparadas, 11.