Reescritura del Lazarillo de Tormes en la literatura argentina del siglo XX


  • Aníbal A. Biglieri University of Kentucky


intertextuality, author, intertexts, referentiality


This article studies the intertextual relations between the sonnet “Un hidalgo” by Carlos Marcos Corti, and the third chapter of the Lazarillo de Tormes, “Cómo Lázaro se asentó con un escudero y de lo que le acaesció con él”, along with references to other texts such as Azorín’s “Un hidalgo”. Starting with several theoretical distinctions, and the comparison between the poem and the novel, the following three topics are analyzed: the “death of the author”, the “infinite intertext”, and the “referential illusion”.


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How to Cite

Reescritura del Lazarillo de Tormes en la literatura argentina del siglo XX. (2022). Revista De Culturas Y Literaturas Comparadas, 13.