Eliot and Dante: A Modernist Perspective


  • Vita Fortunati Università di Bologna


Eliot, Dante, poetry


In this contribution, I analyze the outstanding encounter of two great masters of poetry, Dante and TS Eliot. I shall attempt to highlight how important Dante’s poetry was, not merely for Eliot’s own poetics, but also for his art making. I shall focus on four issues:

  1. Within Eliot’s poetics, Dante represents the great model of classic poet, capable of blending ethics and aesthetics, poetry, and philosophy.
  2. For the above reason, Dante would become a model exemplifying Eliot’s theory on “the impersonality of the poet” and on the objective correlative.
  3. For Eliot, as a modernist poet, Dante’s linguistic revolution and the features of dantesque language represented a model to imitate.
  4. Eliot uses various literary strategies to imitate Dante, and the characters portrayed in Dante’s work reappear in Eliot’s own works.


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Alighieri, Dante. La Divina Commedia. Paravia: Ed. Integrale, 2009.

Bloom, Harold. The Anxiety of Influence: a Theory of Poetry. New York: Oxford University Press, 1973.

Boitani, Piero. Dante e il suo futuro. Roma: Edizione Storia e Letteratura, 2013.

Eliot, Thomas Stearns. “Dante”. The Sacred Wood (1920). London: Methuen LTD,1969.

---. Quattro drammaturghi elisabettiani (1924). Saggi elisabettiani, a cura di Alfredo Orbetelli, Milano: Bompiani, 1985.

---. “What Dante means to me” (1950). To Criticize the Critic and Other Writings. London: Faber and Faber, 1965.

---. Collected Essays. London: Faber and Faber,1951.---. Collected Poems 1909-1962. London: Faber and Faber,1969.

---. La Terra Desolata, trad.e introd. di Alessandro Serpieri. Milano: Rizzoli, 1982.

Montale, Eugenio. Congresso internazionale di studi danteschi 20-27, aprile, Firenze, 1965.

Pound, Ezra. The Spirit of Romance, London, Dent and Sons, 1910.






How to Cite

Eliot and Dante: A Modernist Perspective. (2022). Revista De Culturas Y Literaturas Comparadas, 13. https://revistas.psi.unc.edu.ar/index.php/CultyLit/article/view/39659