Repelencia al agua en suelos afectados por incendio: comparación con experiencias de calentamiento en laboratorio


  • Gustavo Villarruel Binghamton University
  • Gabriela Andrea Sacchi Departamento de Geología Aplicada, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba
  • Vanesa Paola Zampar Departamento de Química, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina.


incendio forestal, repelencia al agua, temperatura de calentamiento


Natural wildfires and controlled fires are frequent in the natural environments of the province of Córdoba, Argentina, being the influence on soil water repellency (or hydrophobicity) poorly understood. The aim of this study was to analyze the physical and chemical properties of a soil on both the pre- and post- fire/heating status to characterize the changes on hydrophobicity that take place with increasing temperature. For that purpose, burned and unburned soil samples from a pine forest in the Calamuchita Valley were used. The latter were heated under laboratory conditions between 175 °C and 270 °C (heated soils). The analyzed properties were hydrophobicity by the Water Drop Penetration Time (WDPT), granulometry by the Robinson pipette method, color by Munsell notation, pH by potentiometry and organic matter by the Walkley and Black method. According to the results, the increase in temperature significantly decreased the water repellency both in burned soils and heated soils. This is mainly associated to the breakdown of the original organic matter into substances of hydrophilic nature, as well as to the decrease of the size of the mineral particles and the increase of the soil pH.


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Ciencias Naturales

How to Cite

Repelencia al agua en suelos afectados por incendio: comparación con experiencias de calentamiento en laboratorio. (2022). Revista De La Facultad De Ciencias Exactas, Físicas Y Naturales, 9(2), 69-76.