The Line: Analysis of Student's Conceptions at the Beginning of Teacher Education
Number line, Real numbers, Infinity, Teacher educationAbstract
In this article, we present an analysis of the answers to a questionnaire and a set of in-depth interviews developed with students who are completing the first year of university-level mathematics teacher education. The aim is to understand their conceptions
about real numbers, the number line, and the geometric line, as well as the connections they establish between them. We identified that, although most of them agree with the double dimension of the line, ideal and material, this is not so clear when it concerns the points on the line. We analyse the obstacles generated by the infinite decimal representation of numbers when considering their representation on the number line and explore these ideas in relation to the density in R. This inquiry is part of a research project that aims to study a process of conceptualisation of the real line object, in a way that is accessible and at the same time powerful for mathematics teachers’ education, through the design of a teaching sequence. The evidence of these conceptualisations in first year students will allow us, at a later stage, to advance in the design of the proposal
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