On the teaching of Spanish literature


  • Agustín Díaz Bialet Universidad Nacional de Córdoba


Judge, Roman Law, Supreme Court of Justice of Argentina, Spanish literature


Of the various methods followed in teaching, we shall refer first of all to the most common, which consists in the chronological teaching of the subject, by successive presentation of authors, works and a judgment on them, grouped in the century in which they lived; the task is repeated for each period and as many sectors of genres are presented as entities in themselves. In this way, the matter loses its full sense of unity, breaking the internal link that unites all the manifestations of a genre throughout the centuries. This method makes the study anodyne, the great figures are reduced to a lower level for reasons of time, and at the end of the academic year, the student only remembers a catalog of names, without logical connection; he studied the Archpriest of Talavera in the first classes of the year, and returns to study Quevedo, after having passed through his mind to mystics, lyricists and playwrights; and of the passage from the prose of Talavera to Quevedo, he knows nothing.

Author Biography

  • Agustín Díaz Bialet, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba

    Agustín Díaz Bialet (Córdoba, August 26, 1911 - May 17, 1993) was a lawyer and minister of the Supreme Court of Justice of Argentina.
    He studied at the Faculty of Law and Social Sciences of the National University of Córdoba, where he graduated as a lawyer in 1938 and later specialized in Roman Law.
    He was the brother of Alejandro Díaz Bialet, who in 1973 was elected senator and who at the time of the resignation of President Héctor José Cámpora and Vice President Vicente Solano Lima should have provisionally assumed the presidency of the nation but was precipitously removed from the country to allow Raúl Lastiri to take office.


    Rodolfo Martinez. (March 27, 2019). In Wikipedia. The free encyclopedia. https://es.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Agust%C3%ADn_D%C3%ADaz_Bialet&oldid=114863963







How to Cite

On the teaching of Spanish literature. (1943). Revista De La Universidad Nacional De Córdoba, 30(5/6), 517-525. https://revistas.psi.unc.edu.ar/index.php/REUNC/article/view/10540