Cardiac glycosides
Pharmacognosy, Cardiac glycosides, glycosidesAbstract
The chemical research carried out by Stoll and his collaborators on squill, digitalis and strophanthus, which resulted in obtaining the corresponding glycosidic complexes, represents one of the important scientific achievements of recent years and, from the therapeutic point of view, is also of indisputable value, since it allows the use of the whole principle and ensures maximum activity. The accompanying graphs, drawn up by Dr. Federico Padula, on other diagrams that Stoll has drawn up in his publications, simplify the understanding of the chemical structure of these glycosidic complexes and their degradation products which, depending on the case, originate from acid, alkaline or enzymatic hydrolysis.
Stoll A. -The Cardiaé Glycosides, (1937).
Lebeau P. et Courtois G.- (Pharmacie Chimique, 1938).
Planchon-Bretin-Manceau. -Precis de Matiere Médical, 4a. Ed. (1936}.
Carlomagno José. -A puntes de Farmacognosia. (1935).
Stoll A.-Renz J.-Die Überführung von Scillaren A in Epi-allolithocholsäure. (Helvetica Chimica Acta. Vol. XXIV. Fasciculus Septimus. Pág. 1380 -1388). 1941.
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