Bibliographic notes


  • Emilio Gouiran Universidad Nacional de Córdoba


Art, Aesthetics, Marxist philosophy


Ángel T. Lo Celso: "Architectural Eurythmy. Study of an aesthetic expression." -Imprenta de la Universidad. Córdoba, 1943.

Author Biography

  • Emilio Gouiran, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba

    Emile Michel Gouirán lived and performed in Córdoba between 1932 and 1945. He was born on December 12, 1908 in Provence, in the south of France, where he attended high school and university. In 1931 he graduated in Philosophy and Letters in Paris. The following year, appointed "professor of French with special mission", he moved to Córdoba, Argentina. He taught French at the National University of Cordoba from June 1, 1932 to March 31, 1945, both at the National College of Monserrat and at the Institute of Languages. The scientific rigor and discipline that Professor Gouiran appreciated so much, were manifested in other university environments: the Institute of Philosophy, created on June 13, 1934, where he was its first Secretary-Director, and the Institute of Humanities, created in 1940, both immediate antecedents of the Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities.
    His work was not limited to the university environment; he collaborated in the foundation of the French Alliance of Cordoba and published articles and reviews in newspapers of Cordoba and Buenos Aires, in the University magazines, in "Sur", "Criterio" and "La Voix de France". He participated in radio programs and conferences, and published several books of poems, theater, literary criticism and philosophy. He died in 1955.


    Faculty of Languages (2023). Emile Gouiran Library.







How to Cite

Bibliographic notes. (1943). Revista De La Universidad Nacional De Córdoba, 30(5/6), 823-824.