Documents of the General Archive of the University: General index from 1883-1896.


  • - - Universidad Nacional de Córdoba


Higher education, Correspondence, Information


mceclip1-63e434b13a79d25a3ab980ebb2c5c1ce.pngThe National University of Córdoba, the oldest in the country and one of the first in the American continent, has a long history. Its origins date back to the first quarter of the 17th century, when the Jesuits opened the Colegio Máximo in Córdoba, where students, particularly religious of that order, received philosophy and theology classes. This establishment of high intellectual category was the basis of the future University. Under the tutelage of the Jesuits and the special impulse of Bishop Juan Fernando e Trejo y Sanabria, in the year 1613, although the establishment was not authorized to grant degrees, Higher Studies were initiated in the Colegio Máximo de Córdoba.
After the Reform, and within the framework of the Avellaneda Law, the national universities became autonomous. In the 20th century, other faculties were created, most of which originated as institutes or schools dependent on existing faculties: Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities, Faculty of Economic Sciences, Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, Faculty of Dentistry, Faculty of Chemical Sciences, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, Faculty of Mathematics, Astronomy and Physics. In addition, the Escuela Superior de Lenguas and the Escuela Superior de Comercio "General Manuel Belgrano" were created. With the reinstatement of democracy in 1983, after recurrent authoritarian periods, a new stage in the history of the country and its institutions began.







How to Cite

Documents of the General Archive of the University: General index from 1883-1896. (1944). Revista De La Universidad Nacional De Córdoba, 31(5), 1717-1741.